4 May 2022 In All Contents

EU Migration and Asylum Law

People on the Move (Episode 3) Are they migrants, refugees, third-country nationals, or beneficiaries? EU migration law is the legislative foundation of the migration management of the Union. It provides common standards for the admission,…

4 May 2022 In All Contents

The Turkish Migration and Asylum Law 

People on the Move (Episode 2) Do we call them foreigners, refugees, conditional refugees or beneficiaries? Before the refugee influx, Turkey did not have a uniform legal framework and a centralised national policy on migration…

4 May 2022 In All Contents

International Migration and Refuge Law

People on the Move (Episode I) Should we call them migrants, asylum seekers, refugees or the displaced? Humankind has always been on the move, impelled by man-made or natural causes. However, in the recent decades,…