As a legal consultant with comprehensive knowledge of migration and refugee law, I have my doctorate in EU Law, and expertise on mobility and border management issues. I taught international migration and refugee law at the postgraduate level at university as an academic, gave trainings to governmental and non-governmental organisations active in the field, and acted as a consultant in several UN and EU-funded projects.
The originality of my work stands on my broad perspective on mobility issues that take place at the global, regional, national, and local levels. I have solid academic and field experience in international human rights law, and I nourish my work with diverse interests and experiences which enables me to bridge multiple areas of knowledge to tailor integrated and creative solutions to contemporary problems.
I value looking into matters in depth, paying attention to details while respecting their complexities and yet presenting their essence with clarity and simplicity.
My research areas include irregular migration, asylum, migration management, border controls, EU’s common border and visa policy, EU-Turkey relations, return migration, free movement. Secondary areas of interest are meditation, negotiation, gender equality and diversity and data protection.